sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012

Ecuador: CIDH give the reason to ecuadorian indigenous

The Ecuadorian State is also obligated to solve this problem between the oil company and the Sarayaku people.
The natives people of the Sarayaku community held the verdict of the Inter-American Court of human rights (IACHR) in their favour. The judges also condemned the State of Ecuador for having authorized the entry of an oil to the territories of the indigenous community without consulting them.

This indigenous community opposed the activities of oil fuels General company argentina and sued the Ecuadorian State before the IACHR for having authorized the entry of oil.
The verdict has been qualified of "historic" by major environmental groups and the affected community. The IACHR condemned the Ecuadorian State to, among other points, "neutralize, disable and remove the powerful explosives used to extract oil that exist on the surface and also buried on the territory of the Sarayaku people".

International Justice has given the reason, therefore, to an Amazonian indigenous people who, like many other indigenous of Latin America and the world, saw its territory, their life and their culture threatened because the State imposed a project from oil company in their habitat , without first informed and/or consulted, much less achieved their consent. 

Imposed  the activity of oil company meant to Sarayaku, militarization of their territory, environmental destruction, violence, persecution, assaults and even the deterioration of items sacred in their culture and worldview.

The Sarayaku people, is located in the middle course of the basin of the Bobonaza River in the province of Pastaza, Ecuador, South America.

The trial has lasted since 2003 until July 2012.

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