sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012

Peru: Pollution that never ends

Children Achuar (Loreto Region)-arrived at Lima 2007 asking for medical attention.
Since many years ago. native communities, who live mainly in the Peruvian Amazon, continue to claim and fighting to be heard and punish predatory and polluting transnational corporations.
Fortunately they are organizing in defense of their lives and territories. For this reason, public employers, who have always acted as advocates of transnational corporations, feel pressured by the mobilizations of the natives Achuar, and the international solidarity.
Thanks to this pressure, the Peruvian legislature formed a Committee of four members of Congress for verify the pollution caused by the Argentine company Pluspetrol, which spilled oil, poured chemical material and deposits the production of toxic water in the rivers of the natives communities.

Verified the complaint, cynical businessmen blamed that Peruvian natives poisoned by themselves and led the bloodshed in their communities. But was issued a Supreme resolution to protect the Achuar and get down the tensions and the existence of 282 conflicts of the same type in all the Peru.

But the law is unheeded and the pollution continues as always. Even this was never suspended, or when the Congressional Commission was in the area called trumpeters on 26 June. Meanwhile, the wrath of natives communities increases because so far they dont havejustice.

The Achuar know that the company will continue to corrupting State officials and therefore this will continue with its highly beneficial production though, but very harmful to natives communities and the environment.

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