Indigenous resistance against the abuse and arrogance
order to cancel the work of Belo Monte (in the State of Pará) was given
unanimously by the Tribunal Regional Federal of the first Region on last August 13th because employers did not respect the Constitution nor the
169 Convention of the International Labour Organization (ILO) to not
consult indigenous communities affected.
this is not the result of a proper administration of Justice, but
the effect of the enormous pressure through the mobilizations of the
native communities with broad international repercussion that grew
uncontrollably from the beginning of the construction of the
hydroelectric power plant in the year 2011.
is good to remember that in the month of April of that year the
Inter-American Commission on human rights also requested to stop the construction of Belo Monte, just for the lack of consultation to the
natives, but the Brazilian Government rejected the resolution of the
international justice.
suspension, anyway, has strengthened the hopes of the indigenous
resistance against Belo Monte movement and that model of hydroelectric that prey and destroys life and the environment.
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