jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

Peru: Government in breach of Convention 169 of the ILO

Owners of concessioned territories: forever forgotten.
According to the "alternative report 2012 on the implementation of Convention No. 169 of the International Labour Organization" (which discusses the period of August 2011 to July 2012), the national coordinator of human rights, has denounced the lack of compliance with the Convention by the Peruvian Government.
The report denounces situations such as the absence of an official database which post the total number of indigenous people in the country, a situation which is detrimental to indigenous communities in important processes such as queries about works of infrastructure projects that affect them.
In addition, despite being approved more than one year ago the law of prior consultation, and that regulation is in progress, there is no significant progress in support of this need of Peruvian indigenous peoples.
Ollanta Humala Government continues, therefore, with the same posture of protect oil interests of the mining companies and  to the detriment of the rights of indigenous peoples.

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