jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

Peru: Government in breach of Convention 169 of the ILO

Owners of concessioned territories: forever forgotten.
According to the "alternative report 2012 on the implementation of Convention No. 169 of the International Labour Organization" (which discusses the period of August 2011 to July 2012), the national coordinator of human rights, has denounced the lack of compliance with the Convention by the Peruvian Government.

Argentina: Mapuche reject exploitation of uranium

In silence the project advances to squeeze uranium.
The Argentine State, in an attitude derogatory with the situation of the Limonau community, continues to drive the "uranium Lake project serve", in Santa Cruz.

Ecuador: Congress of farmers

Constant struggle for the land that belongs to them.
About 2,000 delegates from the coast, Sierra and Ecuadorian Amazon will meet 15 and November 16 into Guayas (Ecuador) in the Congress of the Landless  where will discuss the right of peasants that have an effective access to land, to food and food sovereignty, also will analyze the new agrarian legislation.

Honduras: Paramilitaries against Garifunas

Not only removed from their land, also want to kill them.
A serious warning has been launched against the paramilitary siege that mobilized in motorcycles and 4 x 4 vehicles, with weapons of war, and that could be a massacre to the peaceful inhabitants Garifuna (mixed ethnic group descendant of Africans, Carib and Arawak) that resist against dispossession of their ancestral territories.

Puerto Rico: Drug traffick in its bowels

Unstoppable growth of the drug consumption.
Close to fifty contractors and employees of Puerto Rico International Airport were arrested recently in a raid against networks of trafficking in cocaine and heroin that came running through American Airlines flights. Among the detainees is the car driver of a  senator of that country.

Panama: Native peoples against repressive policy

Constant fighting for life.
Serious violations to human rights and dispossession of its precious natural resources, the indigenous organizations Ngäbe Bukle and Bocas del Toro, after the 1st meeting of leaders, have denounced the repressive policies of the Panamanian Government that, through failure to follow the stipulated agreements and prosecution to indigenous leaders, serve more the interests of transnational corporations that the Central American country.

Bolivia: UN in their favor, USA against them

Bolivia decreases their crops, USA increase their consumption.
After the Government of Barack Obama condemned  Bolivia and Venezuela in the war on drugs, noting that both countries breached international counternarcotics agreements, Bolivian President Evo Morales showed the report of the Organization of United Nations (UN), which recognizes that Bolivia has reduced by 12% its plantations of coca, i.e., for the first time, officially there is international recognition that certifies that they have declined such crops in Bolivia, and this is during the Government of Evo Morales.

Brazil: Amazon threatened by decline of the rain

Black future for Amazon
Between 12% and 21% the rainfall decreased in the Amazon due to which forests are being replaced by crops, causing the moisture that is lessening, and in turn, reducing rainfall.

Shipibos indians take oil wells

Natives defend their lives.
Since 10 days hundreds of indigenous shipibos of the Amazon community Cachiyacu Caanan (Ucayali-Peru), they keep taken nine oil wells of the company Maple Gas Corporation, in search of solutions by the pollution of the extractive activity. The company is dedicated to the exploration, exploitation, refining, distribution and marketing of hydrocarbons and their derivatives.

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

International day of indigenous women

Indigenous women: common path towards a new society.
The international day of indigenous women (September 5) was established in the year 1983, in honor of the struggle of Bartolina Sisa, indigenous Aymara, who fought against the oppression of the conquerors, and she was brutally murdered by the Spanish forces in peace, Bolivia.

Paraguay: The native ayoreos runaway

Urge to protect the uncontacted natives
The ayoreos are the last native people isolated from America that is out of the Amazon. They live in the Chaco, which is an enormous mountainous extension that extends from Paraguay to Bolivia and Argentina. Now their survival is threatened by deforestation of the area in which some of them are hidden. The blame for this situation is the Argentine livestock company Carlos Casado S.A.