viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

Public declaration of the coordination group of the Environmental Advisory Commission

A group of the international Environment Council

The coordination group of the international Environment Council noted with indignation Frentzel-Beyme, Professor, renowned scientist and environmentalist physician, has been  relieved of his role as an expert, only by participating in the second session of the international Environment Council.

Frentzel-Beyme Professor puts its knowledge available to citizens and community groups on environmental issues that are complicated matters and environmental groups need assistance from competent scientists. Frentzel-Beyme Professor has also provided its expertise to a citizens ' movement in Mettingen near Stuttgart (Germany) in a case of environmental pollution made by a foundry and this refers the Environmental Council. His contribution to the Environmental Advisory Committee is documented under:

In the debates of this forum, due to very touching contributions of workers interested of ENVIO, was not present. Even if the Professor Frentzel-Beyme had taken part in it, this would not be any reason to discredit him academically, but even more than one benefit, if scientists can take the direct experiences of workers affected directly for information.

Professor Frentzel-Beyme was dismissed as Inspector, due to these facts, it would be a serious threat for all Germany environmental movement, because each scientist would only have fear of discrimination by an advisory role for an environmental initiative. It would be totally unacceptable to us and would be the reason to give this message to all potentially affected, citizens groups and environmentalists. We will also not accept, as an environmental Council internationally recognized, that the activity of scientists in this forum (with Professor Frentzel-Beyme and many prominent scientists who have been participants of the Council) will be discriminated.

Coordination of the international environment Council III group

Günther Bittel MD

Germany, November 2012

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